Saturday, December 6, 2008

Heated Socks And Circulation

Laughter and smile in reading

In any academic activity should be inexorably evaluation and either in the process or end it. And the ultimate goal of evaluation is by no means obtain a score that quantifies learning, but to use this benchmark as a tool that I may have to check if they are meeting or have met the goals outlined in my class session. If, for example, a student does not meet the indicators to assess them, it requires me moral and professional conduct further academic activities in order to achieve the goal. Then the evaluation becomes a great tool for all students to reach the skills required by the scheduled competitions. The evaluation indicators are generally obtained through the student-teacher interaction through written tests, discussions, paper presentations, exhibitions.

For the assessment of reading are indicators that let me know if the student understands the text to the extent of the dimensions that seem to me necessary. And one of the best indicators that point to me that students are understanding the text is that special smile or gesture that makes while reading. If we allow (intentionally) to express themselves freely during the reading, we will see how our students have different ways of expressing those feelings generated by the reading. Of course, students will almost expressionless face reading and This can indicate several things: it is the topic you like, do not have reading habits, motivation was not the best, is his character, etc.

Each student will tell us a lot with his gestures and then learn in the same proportion. Nothing is more beautiful, for me and many-to see a child smile when reading. Nonverbal act that tells us much: that he understands what he reads, that the issue is to his liking, he enjoys reading, their attention and concentration mechanisms are being strengthened, their mindsets are in the process of organization that is a potential reader, who is happy ... that God exists. Thanks for reading



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