Saturday, December 6, 2008

Mouse Modelmoakuo Does Not Scrll Right

Mr Barrett: Your child can not read ...

was the second time in the notebook Andrés control, communication professor wrote, "Mr. Parent: Your child can not read, need to practice. Help him home."

Don Camillo, father of Andrew, read and reread the post, worried, about five times and still did not seem to understand what the teacher had written. He recalled many things he had done to help your child develop a taste for reading and now this news was it was "not credible." It could not, something was wrong, because her son was almost 8 years was a potential reader.

Among the things that Don Cameron had done deliberately to become Andrés was a great reader:

1. We had almost all the classic tales, adapted to the age of your child.
2. When there were no more familiar stories, had been devoted to invent one after another. The same was surprised at the fluidity to create stories about animals, fairies, maidens, witches, princes. He saw with pleasure how Andresito enjoyed every story.
3. Invested large sums of money to buy children's books made especially for children two to five years, every week acquired one or two texts of some collection of children's literature published by local newspapers.
4. What led to the children's literature section of supermarkets, national and international fairs of the book, and had built a unique library (in the form of a cabin) for his books and other toys.
5. He personally would read in front of his son and laughed in an exaggerated or made positive comments about the book in his hand, all with the intention that your child watches.
6. He invented a story and Andrew invented another, at the end, the stories of Andrew were more original.
7. He had led many libraries, only to see the number of people reading. Asked librarians to enable it to pass through passageways filled with books encoded; sometimes not allowed. On one occasion led to a print shop where he combined a textbook.
8. When Andrew learned to read, both took turns to read a text, then discuss the story and ended in a chacota.
9. All children's films that Andrew saw, they were always subtitled in English. So you have the opportunity to read for motivation in a film for children is intrinsic.

had invested money, time and effort in training your child's reading and now professor of communication he wrote that his son could not read. Don Camilo decided to go to school for Andrew wake up from this nightmare that he dared not accept.

The next day, very early, Don Camillo and Andrew went to school. It was Friday and had general training, Andrew said goodbye to his father and went to the huge backyard where they were some of his teammates. Don Camilo

addressed the teachers room, with notebook in hand control, and the way he met with Professor of Communication. Serious health and said he came by the note she had written. Don Camillo was a cheerful, charismatic, hyperactive and polite, however, that morning, his face said quite the opposite. It looked like a beast I was willing to do anything to protect her cub. She breathed slowly as he himself was not recognized, again and tried to control breathing because he had not been to a battlefield, but to talk about the note that, in truth, it was distressed.

- Professor, yesterday read this note in the notebook over my son and I want to explain what he wants decir.-spoke earnestly Don Camillo.

The teacher, used to see the reactions and gestures in the faces of his students, he realized that this conversation would not be one of several he had with other parents, also breathed slowly and spoke

- Yes , Mr. Benitez, I've noticed that your child is not read properly and you should know that it is important for children to master reading from the earliest grades. So I wrote and I count on your support for Andrew learns to read properly.

Don Camillo looked at carefully, however, when he heard the last part felt like a shock shook him from head to toe. It was a blow to so many things he had done to the child to get a taste for reading. He had no time to breathe and said,

- You mean my son does not understand what you read!

- No, no, "said Professor Andrew student is the best text compression, is faster and is the most involved when doing the readings, for him the whole class is reading. Don Camilo

felt the Holy Spirit descended upon his body, life was returning to be beautiful. Andrew knew that she liked reading, though he had hesitated a little, now, to hear the words of the teacher was proud and saw that his efforts to encourage reading in your child had not been in vain. Now more at ease, Don Camilo realized what the teacher tried to tell him and his inner devil made him smile.

- The problem has continued Andres Professor, is that when I give a text to read aloud, not read punctuation respect, no pauses between sentences, and also sometimes omit, add or change the syllables of the words he reading. Don Camilo

had realized that for the act of reading teacher meant a process of articulation and intonation appropriate, while for him to read meant to comprehend text. (Continued)

Thanks for reading

Manuel Urbina


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