The reading speed it can be defined as the number of correct words a minute, but as the words can be read silently or aloud, the speeds will be totally different depending on the type of reading to do and ways to measure them.
silent reading will always be faster than the oral because the processes involve text-eye-brain and how to measure it is more complex and their results are based more on understanding the text in the act decoder. A good speed for narrative texts (novels, tales, legends, myths) ranges between 250 and 400 ppm , and can be read at higher speeds, comprehending all, to the extent that the reader make a visual training that will allow you to fixations covering more than one word at a time. This allows instead of perceiving single words (whose meaning is always contextual) can receive in one setting one or more sentences (minimal units that convey ideas) so that access to meaning and construction progresses associating these ideas or phrases, while if the reading is word by word access to meaning is easily dismantled and then at the end of the reading has understood little or nothing.
oral reading aloud or is, in relation to silent reading, less rapid because the processes involved in reading increase: text-eye-brain-joint-hearing- brain, and speed measuring reading is taken into account the number of words read correctly in one minute. If the student read 50 words a minute and over a mistake in 12 words (up syllables, changed, eliminated them, etc.) Reading speed would be the result of 50 fewer words than the 12 he read incorrectly. The result would be 38 words per minute, which would be your reading speed. As shown in this measurement is given greater importance to the decoding that understanding itself, however, it is known that fluent readers (as well as to pronounce it, do the intonations and pauses right) have a higher level understanding.
Getting first-grade children read 50 ppm is a good average, second, 60 ppm, in third, 70 ppm, fourth to sixth, 80 to 100 ppm in high school now a good reading speed will range between 110 ppm to 150 ppm These amounts can be modified to the extent that training programs are conducted covering periods of breathing, articulation and reading modeled (in the next post will publish a training guide for improving reading speed in oral reading.)
Calculate the speed of reading is complex, however, there are now alternatives that provide a test to measure reading speed.
1. "How can we know the exact number of words that has a text ?
is easy, put the text that is going to be read in Word (Microsoft), give a click on FILE and scroll down to PROPERTIES, STATISTICS and then find the exact number of words is reading.
2. "I know how many words you've read for a minute ?
There are two ways: first, a series of mathematical operations (is complex and we'll say later) and the second, which is more practical and very effective for assessing reading speed when reading it aloud. Is to write fewer words in a line and in the right place the number of words that add up.
a huge lake in Africa, (6)
named Victoria, lived Pompey (10)
hippopotamus. He was an excellent (16)
swimmer since childhood had (21)
participated in various competitions, (25)
in which he always remained in the (32)
top. In the lake (38)
was organizing a new tournament (43) and of course
Pompey signed, (49)
like other hippos (55)
also lived in the lake. (60)
(The text will continue until the end)
Note: editing problems I can not put the right numbers, however, what could you run from your PC ( in the photo above is a model )
Thus, when students read the text, you make up and can make the words which make the mistakes pronunciation, and after a minute, you can know which line will be left to the right and the reference quantity. Finally, this quantity less the number of mistakes and that will be your student's reading speed.
Remember, this test only gives the student's reading speed and the aim is that students, through a training program (post a guide tomorrow) increase their reading speed with which would generate a variable that will ensure that the student understands what he reads.
Thanks for reading
Manuel Urbina
silent reading will always be faster than the oral because the processes involve text-eye-brain and how to measure it is more complex and their results are based more on understanding the text in the act decoder. A good speed for narrative texts (novels, tales, legends, myths) ranges between 250 and 400 ppm , and can be read at higher speeds, comprehending all, to the extent that the reader make a visual training that will allow you to fixations covering more than one word at a time. This allows instead of perceiving single words (whose meaning is always contextual) can receive in one setting one or more sentences (minimal units that convey ideas) so that access to meaning and construction progresses associating these ideas or phrases, while if the reading is word by word access to meaning is easily dismantled and then at the end of the reading has understood little or nothing.
oral reading aloud or is, in relation to silent reading, less rapid because the processes involved in reading increase: text-eye-brain-joint-hearing- brain, and speed measuring reading is taken into account the number of words read correctly in one minute. If the student read 50 words a minute and over a mistake in 12 words (up syllables, changed, eliminated them, etc.) Reading speed would be the result of 50 fewer words than the 12 he read incorrectly. The result would be 38 words per minute, which would be your reading speed. As shown in this measurement is given greater importance to the decoding that understanding itself, however, it is known that fluent readers (as well as to pronounce it, do the intonations and pauses right) have a higher level understanding.
Getting first-grade children read 50 ppm is a good average, second, 60 ppm, in third, 70 ppm, fourth to sixth, 80 to 100 ppm in high school now a good reading speed will range between 110 ppm to 150 ppm These amounts can be modified to the extent that training programs are conducted covering periods of breathing, articulation and reading modeled (in the next post will publish a training guide for improving reading speed in oral reading.)
Calculate the speed of reading is complex, however, there are now alternatives that provide a test to measure reading speed.
1. "How can we know the exact number of words that has a text ?
is easy, put the text that is going to be read in Word (Microsoft), give a click on FILE and scroll down to PROPERTIES, STATISTICS and then find the exact number of words is reading.
2. "I know how many words you've read for a minute ?
There are two ways: first, a series of mathematical operations (is complex and we'll say later) and the second, which is more practical and very effective for assessing reading speed when reading it aloud. Is to write fewer words in a line and in the right place the number of words that add up.
a huge lake in Africa, (6)
named Victoria, lived Pompey (10)
hippopotamus. He was an excellent (16)
swimmer since childhood had (21)
participated in various competitions, (25)
in which he always remained in the (32)
top. In the lake (38)
was organizing a new tournament (43) and of course
Pompey signed, (49)
like other hippos (55)
also lived in the lake. (60)
(The text will continue until the end)
Note: editing problems I can not put the right numbers, however, what could you run from your PC ( in the photo above is a model )
Thus, when students read the text, you make up and can make the words which make the mistakes pronunciation, and after a minute, you can know which line will be left to the right and the reference quantity. Finally, this quantity less the number of mistakes and that will be your student's reading speed.
Remember, this test only gives the student's reading speed and the aim is that students, through a training program (post a guide tomorrow) increase their reading speed with which would generate a variable that will ensure that the student understands what he reads.
Thanks for reading
Manuel Urbina
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