Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Drm License For Candid-hd


Surely you, dear reader, have heard of Speed \u200b\u200bReading course or speed reading, and it's certainly been curious to know how or what their teaching strategies.

These courses, if properly taught, not the main aim that the student read 2000 or 3000 words per minute (if you promise to do so, beware), but the student improves reading comprehension and develop reading habits. If a student is unable to read (and understand) at a speed of 450 words per minute, and it can be considered as an advanced reader and the average reading in a high school student borders 150 ppm, ie if the course is good and the institution is serious, you could triple your reading speed and understanding of texts.

If you are offered a Speed \u200b\u200bReading course and promise industrial speeds, do something simple: Find an expository or argumentative (not a story or similar) and read it before, then tell the seller to make the demonstration of reading 2000 ppm (which is not going to do because it will make a thousand excuses for not reading) and to explain what you understand. If need be, take the course as quickly as possible.

Often the person concerned of course is subject to a free evaluation to make a diagnosis on their level of understanding and it is curious that all respondents to obtain results "dismal" in understanding and, you know why? The answer is easy: you are reading a text for use in a matter specialists (biologists, philosophers, astronomers, linguists, etc.) With which you will not understand anything, because to understand a text like that is necessary for the reader is able to understand the vocabulary or technical language (the specialist has taken a long time), also require previous experience or research in this specialized field. Finally I do believe that your understanding or your child is bad and, therefore, will generate enormous anxiety to take the course. See you this reading and try to understand:

" Now, watch this: The restriction tends to provoke at a time of famine and the cheapness of bad gender bad because it decreases the supply shortage, this is their avowed purpose; cheapness and bad, because it also decreases the demand, since it gives a false address to capital and labor, and overwhelming for customers with barriers and taxes, so that, as regards prices, these two tendencies are neutralized; and behold, why this system at the same time restricting the supply and demand, not even place in the final crunch which is its object. "

This is one of the dirty techniques used by vendors of the course, as the reader can not respond to five or ten questions (even trickier) and ends up believing that the course will give you the solution.

Do not be fooled by advertisements and displayed in cases where so-and-so reads reads 4.500 ppm or 6750 ppm, it is best that you find out about the credibility of the company and that can be done by placing the name on Internet search engines. If reports appear on screen because people when they have been cheated or deceived the complaint pages www.apestan.com . Ask at least three people who are doing or have done the course on results achieved with the course. (If anyone thinks he can read 2000 ppm, in a first reading, I invite you to be assessed at the place you want and I promise to make a public apology in case it does).

Personally, I believe in the efficacy of Speed \u200b\u200bReading Course, when properly taught and if the institution is serious and responsible, since the vast majority of readers read using the phonological system, ie, when read silently, look at the word from left to right and listen, pronounce and mentally. They are unable to see the word as a whole, much less see groups of words (phrases of two or three words) on one visual fixation, which dismantle all the graphic information in working memory, and this hinders the construction of meaning. Speed \u200b\u200bReading schools they do is "rescuing" the reader of their phonological and reading carried through the "visual or global strategy" with which the reader learns to see phrases or groups of words and this way meanings can access more quickly. Read by attachments allows the reader to be more attentive and more focused to relate meanings and perform semantic construction. Develop the reading speed is one of the most important variables to access the text comprehension.
We have applied
, Speed \u200b\u200bReading program for primary and secondary schools and the results we obtained are very encouraging, therefore, clear that these courses are indeed effective, but also angers me that they have "bad companies" that attach themselves to the search the student and make you pay thousands of dollars and change does not comply with them or develop their reading habits, and total understanding, and thus many people end up believing that Speed \u200b\u200bReading is a useless option. Thanks for reading

Manuel Urbina


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