could read a novel lying on the bed, couch, in a hammock, or wherever I'm comfortable and could even accompany me for a soft musical notes and something to eat. But if I read about a research topic I have to find a chair and a table, as well as good lighting and a sound possible (though inevitable) and as I said earlier, I need tools to understand the text.
These tools, without which I'd better go for a walk, are the fluorescent markers or highlighters (at least two colors), pencils or pens, leaflets adherent (post-it). Is to read an argumentative essay is not easy, we have a transmitter (the writer) with a lot of knowledge on the subject, however, can not use all that knowledge (the result of many years of research) in their arguments and receptors is that we already have the background to understand it, but how could I know how much you know the recipient, so if we are not ready we could lose the thread of discourse.
A good reader is one who uses strategies to be able to understand what he said and what the author meant, then as I read I can do the following:
underscore what seems to me what's main or my interest ( orange or pink), which is secondary or anecdotal (in green) and the frame is not because I can process without any problems or because I feel that this is not essential and not worth it.
sommelier or make a tiny outside the text summary that I read, these sommelier contain keywords that will allow me to evoke the textual structure.
Organize information through mind maps, summary tables, concept maps, etc.. I can do it on a separate sheet or in a post-it that adhere to the same page. This organization is made easier when you have the habit of sommelier.
If I perform these activities, I am driving my metacognitive strategies because I can monitor my process of understanding, that is, I know my level of understanding and if you do not understand how I would like, then, I have alternatives to self-regulate and use another strategy that can involve rereading the text, the emphasis or focus on a particular paragraph, give me a few minutes rest or leave for another time.
Readers perform strategic activities before, during and after reading, as I said, monitor their comprehension process. A reader of this type "off" radio or television because he understands that it takes concentration and attention, or not allowed to eat (even snacks) as you read. Manage your time reading (pauses from time to time). Is aware of what he is doing, even if you have a personal or family problem seeks to give the first solution to it before reading further.
I know that no one becomes strategic player overnight, but if you, dear reader, fosters among its students to use highlighters either in textbooks or in their own notebooks will be doing enough. " Point out the use of orange or pink for what he "believes" what is important and yellow for what "considered" secondary. Do not order if not marked what had to score, I recommend that the most important at this stage is to give you the freedom to make as their own views, then you will see that they are realizing and correcting themselves. After that, you can motivate them to perform the sommelier and organize your information. The process can be slow, but then you'll see beautiful results and get much satisfaction.
Well, now I leave ... to get a soda and go to the terrace to keep reading The Book Thief. Thanks for reading
Manuel Urbina cyberfriends
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