Monday, September 15, 2008

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If I'm going to read a text argumentative need, necessarily, have support tools, otherwise I'd rather not read another activity or simply relax. It is not the same to read a narrative (a novel, a story, a myth, a fable, etc.) Argumentative one (an essay, article, research, etc..), As there are many differences.

could read a novel lying on the bed, couch, in a hammock, or wherever I'm comfortable and could even accompany me for a soft musical notes and something to eat. But if I read about a research topic I have to find a chair and a table, as well as good lighting and a sound possible (though inevitable) and as I said earlier, I need tools to understand the text.

These tools, without which I'd better go for a walk, are the fluorescent markers or highlighters (at least two colors), pencils or pens, leaflets adherent (post-it). Is to read an argumentative essay is not easy, we have a transmitter (the writer) with a lot of knowledge on the subject, however, can not use all that knowledge (the result of many years of research) in their arguments and receptors is that we already have the background to understand it, but how could I know how much you know the recipient, so if we are not ready we could lose the thread of discourse.

A good reader is one who uses strategies to be able to understand what he said and what the author meant, then as I read I can do the following:

underscore what seems to me what's main or my interest ( orange or pink), which is secondary or anecdotal (in green) and the frame is not because I can process without any problems or because I feel that this is not essential and not worth it.

sommelier or make a tiny outside the text summary that I read, these sommelier contain keywords that will allow me to evoke the textual structure.

Organize information through mind maps, summary tables, concept maps, etc.. I can do it on a separate sheet or in a post-it that adhere to the same page. This organization is made easier when you have the habit of sommelier.

If I perform these activities, I am driving my metacognitive strategies because I can monitor my process of understanding, that is, I know my level of understanding and if you do not understand how I would like, then, I have alternatives to self-regulate and use another strategy that can involve rereading the text, the emphasis or focus on a particular paragraph, give me a few minutes rest or leave for another time.

Readers perform strategic activities before, during and after reading, as I said, monitor their comprehension process. A reader of this type "off" radio or television because he understands that it takes concentration and attention, or not allowed to eat (even snacks) as you read. Manage your time reading (pauses from time to time). Is aware of what he is doing, even if you have a personal or family problem seeks to give the first solution to it before reading further.

I know that no one becomes strategic player overnight, but if you, dear reader, fosters among its students to use highlighters either in textbooks or in their own notebooks will be doing enough. " Point out the use of orange or pink for what he "believes" what is important and yellow for what "considered" secondary. Do not order if not marked what had to score, I recommend that the most important at this stage is to give you the freedom to make as their own views, then you will see that they are realizing and correcting themselves. After that, you can motivate them to perform the sommelier and organize your information. The process can be slow, but then you'll see beautiful results and get much satisfaction.

Well, now I leave ... to get a soda and go to the terrace to keep reading The Book Thief. Thanks for reading

Manuel Urbina cyberfriends

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Some asked me if it was possible to read using the zigzag technique, I told them that it was possible, "but" in my case, I used to find data specific text, for example: names, dates, phrases related to the search topic, etc.

This reading technique is to slide the finger at a rate greater than that usually read, below the writing line and when the end of it quickly back to the next and continue in the same way that at the beginning. These movements are like a "z" and then the name that is assigned.

To use this technique must understand that there are two ways to access the meanings of words: 1) via the phonological route or "indirect", and 2) through the visual path or "direct." If the reader is using the phonological route (see the word when reading from left to right, while the decoding is listening to your own inner voice) this method of reading will not be helpful, however, with a little practice (reading z) allows you to enter or direct visual route.

In the majority of students still prevails phonological method as a result of learning to read from the smallest units to complex: first we learned the vowels, then consonants, then became syllabic combinations and from there we built our first phrases (groups of words representing ideas), sentences and propositions . This method is ideal when it comes to transparent languages \u200b\u200b(written as pronounced) as in the case of Castilian, and one of the books that best reflects this concept is the Coquito. Personally, I like this system of teaching, however, phonological or indirect method should be abandoned as 8 years and use the visual method or "direct" (that is 100 times faster than indirect), and then the concept of reading speed becomes an indicator of text comprehension.

visual or direct method is to perceive the words as a whole, imagine for a moment a cigarette on the table and look at him. Surely you are looking at the cigarette in its entirety, it began to look from one end, but holistically. This method is also called "gestalt" because of its global nature. The reader can not only look at a word in its entirety, through training (which is not difficult) can perceive phrases, ie groups of words that represent ideas and not isolated words whose meanings depend on context. This method allows the reader to link phrases and ideas and, thus, construct meaning up to the understanding of prayer. One of the great advantages that this method is that the student is forced to increase their concentration and does not disperse as he reads on the phonological approach.

With all humility I can assure you that if we manage to leave the stage children use phonological and visual or direct method, we can be sure that your understanding will increase significantly. There are very simple exercises you can do (I promise to introduce a few) and do not require special or large text investments.

Turning to the zigzag method, also use it in the reading of narrative texts (stories, novels, legends, etc..), But never argumentative texts, unless it is for reconsidering. Can also be used to read newspapers and magazines.

breaks that occur when you reach the end of the line of text can be one to ten lines and it will depend on the practice you have and the nature of information search. Try it line by line and then, when you want, increase the breaks. In can find some exercises to practice.

Thanks for reading

Manuel Urbina

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II CONGRESS OF STUDENTS OF LITERATURE (CONELIT) 2008, University Reflections on Latin American literature.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

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reading speed in reading aloud can be improved through a program aiming towards that goal and for this, firstly, it should be a model of good classroom teacher reader (modeling), and secondly, you must set two types of exercises: the first is related to breathing and second with articulation, intonation. Remember that to be a good reader is not necessary to have a "good" voice, to be in training in breathing and articulation, intonation.


smaller balloons and then inflate their students as pushing the diaphragm muscle that is in the womb. They should not inflate the cheeks or jowls, lips should be separated and put pressure millimeter diaphragm.

Sit-ups strengthen the diaphragm, allowing easier control during reading. We also prevents a sore throat from talking and, worse, if we shout.


1. Twisters : the success of the twister is to double, triple, quadruple ... exaggerate the joint. If the joint is not exaggerated to the max, it makes no sense to practice and the teacher has to be the best example and motivator (his own motivation is contagious to others.)

2. Trabacuentos : stories are commanded to build very simple but using a series of syllables as tra, tre, tri, tro, tru, breeding, growing, cri, cro, cru, etc., Then read abusing the joint: Consider the following examples:

A. In the city there was a train called thunder naughty that broke a wheel because tripped over a log that blocked the passage. Patricio was sad and I wanted to encourage playing the trumpet.

B. In a puddle anywhere in Chechnya, was a Chinese and a jacket awaiting the arrival of a rainstorm that came from Kashmir. Both were spies for a sneak gossip. To pass unnoticed read a book of jokes about Chicago. The jacket had a patch of chorizo \u200b\u200bon the right sleeve.

3. Spoken text Reading: Children read assuming the role of the character and emphasize the intonations that arise. For this exercise you need at least two children. Should dramatize their reading which also accomplishes the inhibitions and fear losing out to the front.


- Peter, I could tell time?
- I like it!
- Please ... do not be unwell ... I do not want to be late for school.
- I told you I do not feel like it!
- So, I'll never read a story!
- Seven-twenty!

4. Reading invented words: It is a list of words (can be 10, 20 or 30) do not exist as trofolis, unions, fabrol, mertrafa, lionje, vilgabro, etc., And seeks that the student read in the shortest time and every time I start again should do it with better pronunciation and in less time. This exercise will improve their decoding when reading words that are of linguistic usage.

5. Intonation reasoned: So we call exercises consisting of read sentences interrogative, exclamatory, declarative, hesitant, much emphasis is placed on the intonation and the speaker's intention. It is desirable to create sentences in which they are present all punctuation.


remain five minutes! We're late! Hurry!
As for what we talked about yesterday, or not to accept the offer that I made?
Miguel, do you know what you doing this summer?
Do you know what you doing this summer, Miguel? Do you
you had not heard yet? Came out yesterday in the press.

is necessary that the teacher comes to mind other strategies that could well be used, and that's what we want, who dares to create other activities (and sharing on the network) and increasing cash them until you find the perfect polishing and while Therefore, we will have formed some good readers who will give us the greatest satisfaction when we see them read good articulation and intonation.

I leave you for now and hope that they can use this guide. 23:53 are in Peru and, for a moment, I thought it would not accomplish what I announced yesterday in the post. Thanks for reading



Wednesday, September 3, 2008

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The reading speed it can be defined as the number of correct words a minute, but as the words can be read silently or aloud, the speeds will be totally different depending on the type of reading to do and ways to measure them.

silent reading will always be faster than the oral because the processes involve text-eye-brain and how to measure it is more complex and their results are based more on understanding the text in the act decoder. A good speed for narrative texts (novels, tales, legends, myths) ranges between 250 and 400 ppm , and can be read at higher speeds, comprehending all, to the extent that the reader make a visual training that will allow you to fixations covering more than one word at a time. This allows instead of perceiving single words (whose meaning is always contextual) can receive in one setting one or more sentences (minimal units that convey ideas) so that access to meaning and construction progresses associating these ideas or phrases, while if the reading is word by word access to meaning is easily dismantled and then at the end of the reading has understood little or nothing.

oral reading aloud or is, in relation to silent reading, less rapid because the processes involved in reading increase: text-eye-brain-joint-hearing- brain, and speed measuring reading is taken into account the number of words read correctly in one minute. If the student read 50 words a minute and over a mistake in 12 words (up syllables, changed, eliminated them, etc.) Reading speed would be the result of 50 fewer words than the 12 he read incorrectly. The result would be 38 words per minute, which would be your reading speed. As shown in this measurement is given greater importance to the decoding that understanding itself, however, it is known that fluent readers (as well as to pronounce it, do the intonations and pauses right) have a higher level understanding.

Getting first-grade children read 50 ppm is a good average, second, 60 ppm, in third, 70 ppm, fourth to sixth, 80 to 100 ppm in high school now a good reading speed will range between 110 ppm to 150 ppm These amounts can be modified to the extent that training programs are conducted covering periods of breathing, articulation and reading modeled (in the next post will publish a training guide for improving reading speed in oral reading.)

Calculate the speed of reading is complex, however, there are now alternatives that provide a test to measure reading speed.


1. "How can we know the exact number of words that has a text ?
is easy, put the text that is going to be read in Word (Microsoft), give a click on FILE and scroll down to PROPERTIES, STATISTICS and then find the exact number of words is reading.

2. "I know how many words you've read for a minute ?
There are two ways: first, a series of mathematical operations (is complex and we'll say later) and the second, which is more practical and very effective for assessing reading speed when reading it aloud. Is to write fewer words in a line and in the right place the number of words that add up.


a huge lake in Africa, (6)
named Victoria, lived Pompey (10)
hippopotamus. He was an excellent (16)
swimmer since childhood had (21)
participated in various competitions, (25)
in which he always remained in the (32)
top. In the lake (38)
was organizing a new tournament (43) and of course
Pompey signed, (49)
like other hippos (55)
also lived in the lake. (60)

(The text will continue until the end)
Note: editing problems I can not put the right numbers, however, what could you run from your PC ( in the photo above is a model )

Thus, when students read the text, you make up and can make the words which make the mistakes pronunciation, and after a minute, you can know which line will be left to the right and the reference quantity. Finally, this quantity less the number of mistakes and that will be your student's reading speed.

Remember, this test only gives the student's reading speed and the aim is that students, through a training program (post a guide tomorrow) increase their reading speed with which would generate a variable that will ensure that the student understands what he reads.

Thanks for reading

Manuel Urbina

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

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Surely you, dear reader, have heard of Speed \u200b\u200bReading course or speed reading, and it's certainly been curious to know how or what their teaching strategies.

These courses, if properly taught, not the main aim that the student read 2000 or 3000 words per minute (if you promise to do so, beware), but the student improves reading comprehension and develop reading habits. If a student is unable to read (and understand) at a speed of 450 words per minute, and it can be considered as an advanced reader and the average reading in a high school student borders 150 ppm, ie if the course is good and the institution is serious, you could triple your reading speed and understanding of texts.

If you are offered a Speed \u200b\u200bReading course and promise industrial speeds, do something simple: Find an expository or argumentative (not a story or similar) and read it before, then tell the seller to make the demonstration of reading 2000 ppm (which is not going to do because it will make a thousand excuses for not reading) and to explain what you understand. If need be, take the course as quickly as possible.

Often the person concerned of course is subject to a free evaluation to make a diagnosis on their level of understanding and it is curious that all respondents to obtain results "dismal" in understanding and, you know why? The answer is easy: you are reading a text for use in a matter specialists (biologists, philosophers, astronomers, linguists, etc.) With which you will not understand anything, because to understand a text like that is necessary for the reader is able to understand the vocabulary or technical language (the specialist has taken a long time), also require previous experience or research in this specialized field. Finally I do believe that your understanding or your child is bad and, therefore, will generate enormous anxiety to take the course. See you this reading and try to understand:

" Now, watch this: The restriction tends to provoke at a time of famine and the cheapness of bad gender bad because it decreases the supply shortage, this is their avowed purpose; cheapness and bad, because it also decreases the demand, since it gives a false address to capital and labor, and overwhelming for customers with barriers and taxes, so that, as regards prices, these two tendencies are neutralized; and behold, why this system at the same time restricting the supply and demand, not even place in the final crunch which is its object. "

This is one of the dirty techniques used by vendors of the course, as the reader can not respond to five or ten questions (even trickier) and ends up believing that the course will give you the solution.

Do not be fooled by advertisements and displayed in cases where so-and-so reads reads 4.500 ppm or 6750 ppm, it is best that you find out about the credibility of the company and that can be done by placing the name on Internet search engines. If reports appear on screen because people when they have been cheated or deceived the complaint pages . Ask at least three people who are doing or have done the course on results achieved with the course. (If anyone thinks he can read 2000 ppm, in a first reading, I invite you to be assessed at the place you want and I promise to make a public apology in case it does).

Personally, I believe in the efficacy of Speed \u200b\u200bReading Course, when properly taught and if the institution is serious and responsible, since the vast majority of readers read using the phonological system, ie, when read silently, look at the word from left to right and listen, pronounce and mentally. They are unable to see the word as a whole, much less see groups of words (phrases of two or three words) on one visual fixation, which dismantle all the graphic information in working memory, and this hinders the construction of meaning. Speed \u200b\u200bReading schools they do is "rescuing" the reader of their phonological and reading carried through the "visual or global strategy" with which the reader learns to see phrases or groups of words and this way meanings can access more quickly. Read by attachments allows the reader to be more attentive and more focused to relate meanings and perform semantic construction. Develop the reading speed is one of the most important variables to access the text comprehension.
We have applied
, Speed \u200b\u200bReading program for primary and secondary schools and the results we obtained are very encouraging, therefore, clear that these courses are indeed effective, but also angers me that they have "bad companies" that attach themselves to the search the student and make you pay thousands of dollars and change does not comply with them or develop their reading habits, and total understanding, and thus many people end up believing that Speed \u200b\u200bReading is a useless option. Thanks for reading

Manuel Urbina

Monday, September 1, 2008

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This week my daughter Yvonne (8) and my niece Fatima (7) released the treehouse. I never thought I was going to like it so much, so much so that were in that magical place almost all day Saturday and Sunday. Increased their dolls, journals, books, and had as guests for President and Cimarron, two beautiful kittens. Seeing them happy

filled us with happiness and we understood that children need a place to reunite with that world of fantasy that everyone will someday dream. The saw-no-they realize how they did talk to her dolls and how they created different situations so full of imagination, creativity and good taste.

These images made me candy remember those days of my childhood with my brothers were building race cars with blocks of bricks, wood and things we took out of the kitchen and anywhere in the house. With what passion drove our racing cars even though they did not move an inch, but it was so wonderful to be there roaring up and do acrobatics. That night in my dreams, winning the race.

Adults Adults have our space and our children also need yours, hence, how important is crearles a small room in the house may be on the patio in the garden or in the corner to which we have become in a permanent repository. It is also good to get them to an amusement park, beach, movies, fairs, home of the family, etc., And have fun.

Perhaps this issue is not related to overall reading, but wanted to share this joy and this simple reflection with you. My apologies if I said more to say.

Thanks for reading

Manuel Urbina