I was reading the book "On the trail of the granddaddy of Alfredo Gómez Cerdá, published by Santillana (Alfaguara children) and found some gems that are linked, first, reading comprehension, and second, the use of fingers as a guide to reading, see:
"He opened and began browsing. First one and then another. They were highlighted by all parties and even on some pages had handwritten notes in the margins. Who would have read those books he did with the five senses, no doubt. "
See: http://mundomagico.obolog.com/herramientas-lectura-127844
"Then Valentina felt a strange impulse, felt a mysterious force drove his right hand pages of the second book, to settle on them. Then his fingers were going through some items and passing on the handwritten letters he shuddered. "
See: http://mundomagico.obolog.com/usar-dedito-leer-maximo-128176
As I said earlier The encounter with these fragments are pearls that speak of the importance of active reading to be able to understand what he says and what he meant by the author of the text.
respect of the work "In the footsteps of grandfather "I must admit that both my wife, my daughter Yvonne (9) and I have been a story like" excellent "because its plot is very original and the facts to be caught giving the reader and forces them to continue to learn how Valentina can come from each of the adventures that are involved in order to know what his grandfather whom Valentine had seen her, since she was a little girl sitting staring (she was brain dead.)
About the author and the book:
Hopefully my fellow teachers to get this beautiful story and share with their students (aged 8 years) will love.
Thanks for reading
About the author and the book:
Hopefully my fellow teachers to get this beautiful story and share with their students (aged 8 years) will love.
Thanks for reading
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