Friday, November 28, 2008

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thematic progression is a mechanism by which a text is expanding from an idea that is triggering other and the student must be very careful to follow the original sequence of these sentences. The first sentence will give clues to the reader to get to the next and this to the other until the end. We err if we fall into contradiciciones and lose the consistency.

To create these exercises need to compose a text composed of five or six sentences (simple or compound) and from the first we go leaving footprints so that students can identify the next and so on. Once we proceed to the full text building exercise by changing the original sequence of the composition.

Here is one I wrote last night to practice with my students from 9 to 12 years. EXERCISE 1

() She liked to tell stories and listen to them more pleasing.
() A woman had left home very early.
() When her mother back and found them sleeping next to her aunt.
() Their two children stayed with her sister.
() One day the young had a great time and even did not take porridge or missing his mommy.


() Then, very gently lifting and then went up the stairs to the top of the castle.
() It was still a few minutes and during that time seemed to remember who he really was.
() Count Dracula slept during the day in a wooden coffin in the basement of an old castle.
() Incredibly and threw herself at that moment his body was transformed into a small bat.
() At night the creature opened his coffin and his eyes lit up like two full moons. EXERCISE 3

() The bride was very happy it was four hours for your marriage.
() He said he had just arrived and was at the airport.
() In fact, were married and honeymoon in the castle of Chancay.
() A little later the phone rang and he was just Don Ricardo, his godfather.
() I was almost ready, just missing to reach their sponsors.
() At that time the beautiful bride she realized everything would be okay.

Exercise 1: 3, 1, 4, 2, 5
Exercise 2: 4, 3, 1, 5, 2
Exercise 3: 1, 4, 6, 3, 2, 5,

same exercises can be proposed in different ways:
changed the natural order of the sentences and put together in one piece, only the beginning of each sequence numbers go putting (see the proposed texts.) This new way of presenting the same period increased "perceptual and mentally," the standard of proof because the sentences are no longer isolated (as in the above), but in a single text. There will be more attentive and focused to find the thematic sequence and unity of consistency. EXERCISE 1

(1) She liked to tell stories and listen to them more pleasing. (2) A woman had left home very early. (3) Returning his mother found them sleeping next to her aunt. (4) Their two children stayed with her sister. (5) One day the young had a great time and even did not take porridge or missing his mommy.
The correct sequence is: (), (), (), (), (),

EXERCISE 2 (1) then went very gently rising and then climbed the stairs to the top of castle. (2) It was still a few minutes and during that time seemed to remember who he really was. (3) Count Dracula slept during the day in a wooden coffin in the basement of an old castle. (4) Incredibly and threw herself at that moment his body was transformed into a small bat. (5) At night the creature opened his coffin and his eyes lit up like two full moons.
The correct sequence is: (), (), (), (), ()

Exercise 3 (1) The bride was very happy because it was four hours for your marriage. (2) He said he had just arrived and was at the airport. (3) In fact, were married and honeymoon in the castle of Chancay. (4) Soon the phone rang and he was just Don Ricardo, his godfather. (5) was already almost ready, just missing to reach their sponsors. (6) At that time the beautiful bride she realized everything would be okay.
The correct sequence is: (), (), (), (), (), ()

Thanks for reading


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

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The twister is one of the most valuable tools for the correct reading aloud. The pronunciation of tongue-twisters should be through the reading of several of them (while it is new or unknown, the better), therefore, it is recommended that students memorize the twister because to do so will be repeated again and again (what Not bad) to master each term and will remove the difficulty (for it is) inherent in these exercises. Students must read their text twister consider how often the teacher, but without trying to memorize.

back a little, when most children are reading aloud a reading where we can see that not pronounce the word in its entirety, but syllable by syllable (mi-a-good-li-ta-me- di-jo-to-me-Quie-re-mu-cho) and this gives us evidence that learning was reading through the phonological method and, accordingly, to decode or process of grapheme-phoneme not is automated and the child must master (At 8 years) so you can read "aloud" properly.

Through practice and exercises (which are not hard) you can get children to read a little better (my-grandma-I-said-that-I-want-much), however, to achieve Reading fluency the child must learn to read phonic groups and for this they should be taught to interpret punctuation (not to know the hundreds of rules for the use of punctuation.)

My grandmother / / I said / / loves me / /
My grandmother told me / / loves me / / In -oral-reading-124 936 can find more information on the use of tongue twisters and other exercises that seek to develop good reading fluency.

Thanks for reading



Monday, November 24, 2008

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I was reading the book "On the trail of the granddaddy of Alfredo Gómez Cerdá, published by Santillana (Alfaguara children) and found some gems that are linked, first, reading comprehension, and second, the use of fingers as a guide to reading, see:

"He opened and began browsing. First one and then another. They were highlighted by all parties and even on some pages had handwritten notes in the margins. Who would have read those books he did with the five senses, no doubt. "


"Then Valentina felt a strange impulse, felt a mysterious force drove his right hand pages of the second book, to settle on them. Then his fingers were going through some items and passing on the handwritten letters he shuddered. "


As I said earlier The encounter with these fragments are pearls that speak of the importance of active reading to be able to understand what he says and what he meant by the author of the text.
respect of the work "In the footsteps of grandfather "I must admit that both my wife, my daughter Yvonne (9) and I have been a story like" excellent "because its plot is very original and the facts to be caught giving the reader and forces them to continue to learn how Valentina can come from each of the adventures that are involved in order to know what his grandfather whom Valentine had seen her, since she was a little girl sitting staring (she was brain dead.)

About the author and the book:

Hopefully my fellow teachers to get this beautiful story and share with their students (aged 8 years) will love.

Thanks for reading


Friday, November 21, 2008

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Environmental Health (Pest "Fumigation" - Rat control - Disinfection)

Our company specializes

in Pest Elimination

"Vectors of Diseases

(Insects - Spiders - Fleas - Mites - Etc - Rodents)

We invite you to contact us and discover the versatility and empathy at your service to solve their problems.


Disinsectisation (FUMIGATION)

We protect against pests having an integral spray. Running the task with equipment and products that do not harm the environment and generate no intoxication, stains or olores.En office home and eliminate insects and parasites that can generate diseases and infections (cockroaches, ants, fleas, bedbugs, spiders, flies, mosquitoes, etc).

Our formulations are highly toxic to insects, however, are virtually harmless to humans and pets. Pest comprehensive warranty, service for homes, offices, restaurants, shops, fully guaranteed.


Rodents are specimens that have large ability to closely match any habitat, which offers favorable conditions for development such as food, water and shelter, are these vectors comprising about a third of all species of existing mammals. It is a pest at higher risk of contamination for humans, the degree of viral infection and their ectoparasites. Our work system is not directed only to the extermination of pests, but there is a team of professionals who are responsible to inspect what is the reason for the problem, plan appropriate control methods (physical, chemical, biological, cultural, etc.), do the type of specific treatment (trampeo, cebado, monitoreo, etc.), evaluar los resultados obtenidos, y por supuesto supervisar con una periodicidad las condiciones y sistemas de monitoreo en el cual se registra el consumo de los diferentes tóxicos y similares.


No existe definitivamente un desinfectante con la virtud de actuar a plenitud cuando es usado en presencia de materia orgánica. Esto sugiere que una desinfección eficaz estará precedida de una serie de precauciones preliminares a la aplicación del desinfectante elegido que busca obtener el mayor provecho.

Disinfection is a selective process that has been used to destroy or inactivate pathogens, especially bacteria of enteric origin. The bacteria in natural conditions, rarely exposed to chemical agents in concentrations sufficient to cause his death. However, the man uses a variety of toxic products to kill microorganisms and control development. It is intended that they be as toxic to microorganisms but with minimal adverse effects to humans, animals and plants.

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(Institute for Sustainable Development of the Ica Region)

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