Friday, January 23, 2009

Vegetable Or Corn Oil On Horse Feed


speed reading courses are practical. It gives the student a series of exercises to be performed in series, for a set time (for one to three minutes) and at a rate of between 80 and 200 strokes per minute.

After completion of these exercises to help ensure that students acquire automaticity and speed (in recognition of words and phrases) and thus develop the most important variable for any type of reading comprehension, that is, we are referring of reading fluency.

All theories of reading fluency recognize the cornerstone of the reading and allows students access to the construction of meaning or comprehension. Although scientific theories talk about its importance, little or no school aims to develop fluency Reading through systematically programmed exercises. Worse still, many experts in the field argue that the constant repetition of these exercises are useless activities.

Even when participating in conferences in Arequipa reading (March 2008) and Huancayo (July 2008) many reading specialists-Peruvians and visitors, were reluctant to my paper that was about speed reading as an alternative for Reading Comprehensive. However, during my presentation I was showing that Speed \u200b\u200bReading all it does is give attention to reading fluency as a key variable for understanding texts. Thankfully, after listening to me, acknowledged the role of this variable and saw that we were not inventing or creating categories magic or ghosts.

Returning to the subject of these exercises are repeated in series and for the development and evaluation of the data you need to have a stopwatch, a timer and a metronome. Without these tools (and the bundles of exercise) there is little that can be advanced to be able to develop reading fluency in students, and with them the goal can be achieved in a couple of classes.

Finally, when the student has developed her fluency pass another variable to the understanding, metacognitive learning strategies (underlining, organizers, sommelier and summaries, etc.). This is when and readers can discuss preparations. Thanks for reading

Manuel Urbina


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