Friday, August 29, 2008

Visual Pokemon Heart Gold

reading fluency as the best indicator Backlight compensation TEXTS OF THE COLLEGE

reading fluency is the best indicator to know the level of student understanding. If the reading aloud, reading fluency has three elements:

1. Automaticity
2. Expressiveness

reading speed
1. Automaticity : Makes the student sees the word as a whole and the rule in its entirety, reads pausing between syllables or one syllable and another as he learned to read. Do not change a syllable or letter for another (does not say "master" on the "sample"), ie, not increase, or decrease, or change the original word: reading the word as written.

2. Expressiveness (Intonation and adequate breaks) : Do not read words in isolation or one by one, but read syntactic groups endowed with meaning (instead of reading: "My ... friend ... come ... tomorrow .. ., "reads:" My friend will come tomorrow "), ie between a phrase and one that breaks it thinks fit. While reading responds to punctuation and made tone ascending descending ","), ("¿?", "¡!", (".", "") or suspension ("...", ":").

3. reading speed: This is defined as the amount of words read correctly in one minute. If both of the above variables the student's reading speed must be adequate. For this reason, if you want the students to develop their reading speed should work automaticity and expression through exercises designed exclusively for it, however, the teacher is the first model of fluent reader, if he or she does not read properly , did not see any sense to those exercises. For this reason, the teacher should develop their fluency and this is achieved in two ways: first, assuming the importance and theoretical knowledge of reading fluency and, secondly, through practical exercises and reading permanent.

reading fluency in oral reading is very different (radical) than silent reading, however, its development is related to oral reading fluency and other aspects that we will see soon, as well as proper exercise .

PS: A good age to start developing reading fluency is after eight years, when students have learned to decode properly. In earlier grades could continue with exercises that develop phonological awareness and alternate with readings of short texts that are high in readability and legibility.

Thanks for reading

Manuel Urbina


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