The Board of Directors of the Peruvian Association APELEC Reading, national affiliate of the International Reading Association - IRA, is pleased to announce that our country has been designated as the site of X LATIN AMERICAN CONGRESS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF READING AND WRITING, whose organization has been entrusted to our institution.
For this reason, we invite all educators: teachers, parents and professionals in one way or another are linked to the promotion of reading, to participate in this significant international event, which will be held in the City Lima, July 30 to August 1, 2009.
For this reason, we invite all educators: teachers, parents and professionals in one way or another are linked to the promotion of reading, to participate in this significant international event, which will be held in the City Lima, July 30 to August 1, 2009.
Congress, has the official sponsorship of the Ministry of Education and the academic auspices of the University as Marcelino Champagnat be developed based lectures, panels, workshops and other details that make up the full program.
also thank all the institutions of civil society, universities, churches, public and private companies, social media, local and regional governments for their participation as sponsors or (showing social sensitivity), with the donation of scholarships that will allow the presence of teachers in the interior of Peru in this significant event that no doubt affect positively in improving the quality of education that we all desire.
Sincerely, Mario AmorĂ³s
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