Friday, August 29, 2008

Visual Pokemon Heart Gold

reading fluency as the best indicator Backlight compensation TEXTS OF THE COLLEGE

reading fluency is the best indicator to know the level of student understanding. If the reading aloud, reading fluency has three elements:

1. Automaticity
2. Expressiveness

reading speed
1. Automaticity : Makes the student sees the word as a whole and the rule in its entirety, reads pausing between syllables or one syllable and another as he learned to read. Do not change a syllable or letter for another (does not say "master" on the "sample"), ie, not increase, or decrease, or change the original word: reading the word as written.

2. Expressiveness (Intonation and adequate breaks) : Do not read words in isolation or one by one, but read syntactic groups endowed with meaning (instead of reading: "My ... friend ... come ... tomorrow .. ., "reads:" My friend will come tomorrow "), ie between a phrase and one that breaks it thinks fit. While reading responds to punctuation and made tone ascending descending ","), ("¿?", "¡!", (".", "") or suspension ("...", ":").

3. reading speed: This is defined as the amount of words read correctly in one minute. If both of the above variables the student's reading speed must be adequate. For this reason, if you want the students to develop their reading speed should work automaticity and expression through exercises designed exclusively for it, however, the teacher is the first model of fluent reader, if he or she does not read properly , did not see any sense to those exercises. For this reason, the teacher should develop their fluency and this is achieved in two ways: first, assuming the importance and theoretical knowledge of reading fluency and, secondly, through practical exercises and reading permanent.

reading fluency in oral reading is very different (radical) than silent reading, however, its development is related to oral reading fluency and other aspects that we will see soon, as well as proper exercise .

PS: A good age to start developing reading fluency is after eight years, when students have learned to decode properly. In earlier grades could continue with exercises that develop phonological awareness and alternate with readings of short texts that are high in readability and legibility.

Thanks for reading

Manuel Urbina

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

How Long Will Korbel Champagne Last


Yesterday Tuesday we had the pleasure to share our experiences in the field of Reading with the teachers in the area of \u200b\u200bArts College Infant Jesus of Prague, directed by Sister. Gloria de la Cruz who was accompanied throughout the session to their teachers (as they should), and also attended the Sr assistant director. Guadalupe Chanco.

Our presence at this school was due to the invitation received by Professor Dina Fuentes, who had the pleasure to know through this blog. Three hours were not felt by the participation of all teachers, including the director and deputy director of this great school that is in Callao.

The issue we tried had two stages: In the first we saw the real situation of reading comprehension in Peru through various national and international studies like PISA and LLECE, the second part was addressed to UN DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME INTERVENTION TO IMPROVE THE LEVEL OF UNDERSTANDING.

Congratulations to all and has been a great pleasure to have met. Manuel

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Retroperitoneal Adenoopth


Surely you, dear reader, have heard that we should not say "first" because there is no "second" or "third", etc.., Then, just as false and ridiculous. The terms "first", "second", "thirdly" and all that can be formed are forms that act as adverbs correct order, although in the case of "first" and "lately" does not always function as adverbs of order but, in most cases, such as adverbs of time.

What happens is that Castilian dialects spoken in Peru and some neighboring countries, these forms do not constitute our standard language and therefore do not have to say they are wrong ways. It's like when a friend recently Colombian warmly greeted the people of Huancayo, saying, "Dear huancanianos and huancanianas" (when our rules impose "Huancayo - Huancayo), and of course, no one could say that these gentile are incorrect because they are used the suffix "-anus-ana" (there are different types of suffixes to form gentile). If they were wrong, then we should not say "Peruvian" but "peruínos" and "peruínas.

just happens that both forms are correct or accepted, but the use of either responds exclusively to the form of higher preference for the community. Another is the many cases presented with "video", whose use is peninsular pronunciation antepenultimate ( saw deo), while in Latin America is serious (vi of o), and never mind that comes from the English " vi deo "with pronunciation antepenultimate simply becomes severe as the great majority of words in our language. Thus people prefer the SAR can not do anything to change it, just recognize it and legalize it.

Returning to our theme, "first" not only acts as an adverb of order, but also can function as an adverb of time. In the sentence: "First tell me what happened and that was the problem. "Tantamount to saying" Right now tell me what happened and that was the probem. "Semantic value" first "have nothing to do with the order or the fact that after this the term "second" or "third". So when you hear expressions like " not say" first ", say" first "because after" comes in second place "has not always considered "first" is an adverb of order and, therefore, no place for "second" or "second." Some


A) First took their luggage and secondarily, paid for the service. (Correct)
B) First took their luggage and second , paid for the service (right)
C) First must return the food, then we'll see what we do. (Correct)
D) First I want to congratulate and secondarily giving them this recognition (correct)

In A and D act as adverbs of order, while C is an adverb of time. In B forms in bold are adverbial.

The following I just found in the author are of Mexican origin and see how he uses the terms mentioned without any objection:

"... Why? First, I have had coffee and suddenly the term as Garfield time after taking espresso. secondly it , preceding heartburn coffee. drank coffee in the morning and the day I spent with heartburn. "

Thanks for reading

Manuel Urbina

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Coloring Pages Ratchet

PERU CONGRESS 2008 - 2009

We are not just in Peru, and other Latin American countries we are interested in learning cognitive processes that occur during reading and also learn strategies to gain access to a better understanding of texts. Then, as researchers and current faculty can ensure the teaching of reading comprehension of our students, otherwise, common sense does not ensure the optimal development of this competition so important and so undervalued in our educational system.

What better way to find conferences, forums, meetings, seminars, courses, etc. On the Reading via the Internet, however, in Peru, there are very few events of this nature. Those that have been made throughout the year do not exceed ten and we posted on this blog in due course. It is possible that having more than fifty universities with faculties of education, do not give the size and space that should be teaching reading comprehension.

I entered the pages of each of the universities and gives a lot of grief and indignation to see that no events related to reading, although there are hundreds career-related business. This lack is accountability, not students, but teachers and university officials with their petty actions reveal his severe incompetence to govern the destinies of thousands of future teachers.

remember that although you do not I believe, do not exist in any faculty of education, a specific course that deals with the theoretical underpinnings of learning to read. For this simple reason is that teachers are not trained to promote the teaching of reading among their students. Hence, the results on reading tests are as catastrophic as the academic performance of many students.

Teachers want to learn, but we found the right places and Conferences, Forums, Seminars, Symposia, Roundtables, etc.., To receive adequate information and updated, if not for the Internet that allows access to books, theses, magazines, blog, etc., we would be more lost The deans of faculties of education.

May the Education Minister José Antonio Chang, and the National Assembly of Rectors and do something about that also, through its various agencies, promote the development of courses on teaching strategies of reading. Do not expect the results of PISA 2009 for leave to look responsible as they have recently blaming the teachers. Thanks for reading

Manuel Urbina

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Tape Up Haircut Brooklyn


"I've always been distracted, it is night and nor had I realized what time it is, or what day it is or when it my birthday, "said the dwarf.

"I know" said the dwarf-always forget even your name, but the good thing is that you are the kindest man in the world. I do not know if it's for your amusement or because you have the heart of great men that knows no hatred or resentment.

"No big deal," said the dwarf, "of course I know that my name is ... is ... ah ... I know ... my name is Fortunato Massi Thomas Silva. It is not that hard, just a matter of remembering the first and others will appear alone. Also, I'm not as good as you paint me, the other day I felt envious when he saw some children grow.

The tiny woman looked at him tenderly, seemed to like him in these situations where he was apparently a tough and cruel.

They met at an Italian circus nine years ago and since then, they were not separated even for one day. Both are wanted with a love so pure, innocent and almost childish. She loved him dearly and he loved her while never forgetting to call her by name.

One Sunday, many people had gone to the circus, and performed his usual small act: walking on a tightrope to five meters high. He seemed distracted, preoccupied, it seemed that this was not the day that he wanted to be.

When there was very little to complete his act, he lost his balance and fell violently. There was a brief silence that ignited hundreds of voices screaming in despair.

The boy, lying face down, mentally counted to twenty and rose as if he had been expelled from a cannon, walked toward the center of the stage and greeted the crowd to wake up the deception. They recalled that the dwarves, they always do stuff like that.

The man had fallen on a foam mattress, especially hidden in the ground, which gave an end to his great performance. They applauded him until he disappeared behind the huge red curtain, dotted with stars.

His companion, as usual, was waiting in the small blue tent and almost ready for the next number in the cage of lions in Africa. Saw him coming and gave the tender smile of the world. FIN

Manuel Urbina