Wednesday, February 4, 2009

How Long Does It Take To Have A Std Test

TROT, a tale of love and many turtles

Today, mid-morning I bought three books: Agu Trot, by Roald Dahl, The mystery of the island, Ana Maria Machado, and Clemencia, the cow who wanted to be white, Veronica Linares. The first two books there is no "turns to" Dahl and Machado are The Garcia Marquez of children and Linares, expect the best after reading his book (although I promised my readers smell a big surprise) and I will be commenting.

(I'll tell you that Lima is currently one of the cities where drivers can read because there is a fever in all municipalities to make new tracks so that wherever you go you will find obstacles, detours and traffic congestion that requires you, among other alternatives, to read it is something I think is positive because in some way "are encouraged to read").

My passion for the works of Dahl made this tour of broken streets and vehicular paralysis, Agu Trot was the book chosen to read. As always, Dahl captivates us and catch us on the front page, only this time the story is a love story so unique. On page 20 says: "And then, watching the smiling face of Mrs. Silver looking at him in turn, thought for the thousandth time how beautiful she was, how lovely and kind and friendly, and her heart ached so much love. "

Well, I could only read up to page 26 (of 68 ) and thought it was urgent to make a summary of this beautiful story. In these times are 14:25 and I will continue reading the text and at the same time I'll try to write the summary. I hope that teachers can get and enjoy the most and you get to the raison d'être of our profession students.
TROT (tortoise backwards)

Author: Roald Dahl
Illustrated by Quentin Blake
Publisher: Santillana
Year: 2007, fourth printing


Mr. Hoppy was a retired bachelor who lived alone at the top of a building. One of his passions were the flowers she grew in all parts of your house, but especially on his balcony. Just at the balcony beneath his widow lived a perfect love was Mr. Hoppy only by their shyness had ever dared to invite her to tea, though known for many years. They were in the morning and talked about different things, but on them. Is that Ms. Silver gave him all her love to a turtle named Alfie 400 grams and that he knew Mr. Hoppy would have been turtle can become as long as she stroked the shell every morning whispering endearments.

What I wanted most was Mrs. Silver grow your turtle because during the last eleven years had barely reached a few inches, and one day, this was the topic of conversation. Mr Hoppy came up with an idea and told him he could make the turtle grew because he knew a secret that he had revealed a Bedouin tribe. Then, she said that if the animal could grow was to become his slave which moved much more to the retiree bachelor.

M. Hoppy handed him a paper with some magic words to be read three times a day in front of the turtle, you're words were:

ETZAH Royama, Royama!
(Turtle, turtle, Become more, more!, Grows, hínchate, up ...!)

then went to every house and bought pet turtles all weighing over 400 grams and with a strong effort took them home (was 140). Mr. Hoppy had been a mechanic, before retiring, why it was not difficult, building a long mechanical arm that immediately caught the turtle which was sunning on the balcony below and replaced it with one that seemed much, but it weighed 50 grams. Seven days later he made the second change, and so on each week, until after eight weeks, the new turtle weighed 750 grams, however, Mrs. Silver had not noticed the change.

the afternoon, Mr Hoppy decided to suggest to the woman who would not like the turtle and he was about to lose tremendous heard a scream coming from the lower balcony. She was the widow who was surprised by the growth of your pet as this could not come through the door of her house. Told Mr Hoppy if you could go down to his flat to see the turtle and she replied there was no problem.
now had another problem, had to enlarge the house so that the animal entered, however, Mr Hoppy came up with another idea: to change the magic words so that instead of growing, would be reduced a little. This time he wrote: AGU

(Turtle, turtle, become littlest, littlest ...)

In the afternoon, the retiree made the change and when Mrs. Silver returned from his work (only worked in the afternoon at a regular store) began to scream with excitement because the turtle I could go through the door of his house. Mr. Hoppy asked if he could get off to see the turtle and she let him. Raced down as he said to himself softly: "Now comes the most important moment of my life, I must not waste it." She was waiting at the door with a big smile, hugged him and said it was the most wonderful man in the world. The man, nervous, told her to marry him. She was excited and said he thought it would never ask.

The next day, Mr. Hoppy gave all his turtles to pet stores and cleaned home so that was not a trace of a turtle. A few weeks later they married, they were happy and red bunting.

Thanks for reading

Manuel Urbina